


Monostable/astable multivibrator


The HEF4047B is a retriggerable astable multivibrator that can be configured as either a positive-edge or negative-edge triggered monostable multivibrator. The output pulse width is programmed by selection of external components (Rt and Ct). Inputs include clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in excess of VCC.




  • Monostable (one-shot) or astable (free-running) operation

  • True and complemented buffered outputs

  • Only one external resistor and capacitor required

Monostable multivibrator

  • Positive- or negative-edge triggering

  • Output pulse width independent of trigger pulse duration

  • Retriggerable option for pulse-width expansion

  • Long pulse width possible using small RC components with external counter provision

  • Fast recovery time independent of pulse width

  • Pulse-width accuracy maintained at duty cycles approaching 100%

Astable multivibrator

  • Free-running or gatable operating modes

  • 50% duty cycle

  • Oscillator output available


Type numberProduct statusVCC (V)Logic switching levelsOutput drive capability (mA)tpd (ns)Power dissipation considerationsTamb (°C)Rth(j-a) (K/W)Ψth(j-top) (K/W)Rth(j-c) (K/W)Package name
HEF4047BTProduction4.5 - 15.5CMOS± 2.450medium-40~85691.026SO14